Pizza City

Pizza is almost as popular in Seattle as coffee is. There seems to be a new place opening up almost every week! Not that we here at Kathy Casey Food Studios don’t love our pizza, far from it! We have some great pizzerias in Seattle that span the variety of pizza making!

There’s Neapolitan style at Via Tribunali, Tutta Bella, and Pizzeria Fondi, New York style at Peicoras on Capitol Hill, and old school pies at Madame K’s in Ballard. One of our favorites is Pagliacci, Seattle’s best delivery pizza. My Husband john used to live off Pagliacci whenever I traveled out of town, and my assistant Mary had her very first date at the University Ave location.

Celebrating seasonality, Pagliacci Is serving up a super yummy Prosciutto Fig Primo, a perfect balance of salty and sweet for fall! Very D’Lish!

Recently, there was a upset in Seattle’s Pizza Community. An unsavory prankster stole a stack of Pagliacci’s 25th anniversary cards and sent them to area competitors stamped with disparaging words; very untactful. Co owner Matt Galvin was horrified, and apologized over the mess, assuring the public and recipients of the cards that Pagliacci was not responsible for the prank.

Thankfully, no pizza was harmed!

Posted by Kathy on September 17th, 2008  |  Comments Off on Pizza City |  Posted in Dishing with Kathy Casey Blog, Recent Posts

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